Refugee Road Widening

Client: Licking County, TID

Location: Etna, Ohio

Estimated Construction Cost: $11.4M


Refugee Road Widening

2LMN was contracted with the Licking County Transportation Improvement District (LICTID) to prepare construction plans for widening and intersection upgrades from the intersection of Mink Street & Refugee Road to Etna Parkway & Refugee Road in western Licking County. Due to the rise of industrial warehouses for manufacturing and shipping along Refugee Road, there was a vital need for a more modern roadway to better service these new facilities.

Refugee Road, an existing 2 lane major collector, was widened to provide new 12’ lanes with a new two-way-left-turn-lane. This will allow for existing driveways as well as future driveways to have adequate access to turn right or left from Refugee Road. Along with this, new and improved drainage was constructed along the entire length of the corridor. At the ends of the project, at the intersections of Mink Street/Refugee Road as well as Etna Parkway/Refugee Road, existing 2’ way stop-controlled intersections were replaced with single lane modern roundabouts, sized for WB-62 trucks.

Services Provided

  • Drainage Design
  • Roadway Design
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Lighting Design
  • Survey
  • ROW Plan Development